The documents are made available to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each copyright.
Abtin Zohrabi Aliabadi, Fatemeh Razzaghi, Seyed Pooria Madani Kochak, Ali A. Ghorbani: Classifying Organizational Roles Using Email Social Networks. Canadian Conference on AI 2013: 301-307
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: Lexical-Syntactical Patterns for Subjectivity Analysis of Social Issues. AMT 2013: 241-250
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Structure for Opinion in Social Domains. SocialCom 2013: 264-271
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: Sentence Subjectivity Analysis in Social Domains. Web Intelligence 2013: 268-275
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: Sentiment Analysis of Social Issues. SocialInformatics 2012: 215-221
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: Verb Oriented Sentiment Classification. Web Intelligence 2012: 327-331
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: An exploratory classification of applications in the realm of collaborative modeling and design. Inf. Syst. E-Business Management 8(3): 257-286 (2010)
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: UML-CI: A reference model for profiling critical infrastructure system. Information Systems Frontiers 12(2): 115-139 (2010)
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: The analysis and management of non-canonical requirement specifications through a belief integration game. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 22(1): 27-64 (2010)
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Model for the Integration of Prioritized Knowledge Bases Through Subjective Belief Games. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 40(6): 1257-1270 (2010)
Ali A. Ghorbani, Iosif-Viorel Onut: Y-Means: An Autonomous Clustering Algorithm. HAIS (1) 2010: 1-13
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: A belief-theoretic framework for the collaborative development and integration of para-consistent conceptual models. Journal of Systems and Software 82(4): 707-729 (2009)
Reza Sadoddin, Ali A. Ghorbani: An incremental frequent structure mining framework for real-time alert correlation. Computers & Security 28(3-4): 153-173 (2009)
Mark Kilfoil, Ali A. Ghorbani: SWAMI: A Multiagent, Active Representation of a User's Browsing Interests. IJITWE 4(3): 1-24 (2009)
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: Astrolabe: A Collaborative Multiperspective Goal-Oriented Risk Analysis Methodology. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 39(1): 66-85 (2009)
Mohammad-Amin Jashki, Majid Makki, Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: An Iterative Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Approach to Feature Selection for Document Clustering. Canadian Conference on AI 2009: 74-85
M. Barouni-Ebrahimi, Ali A. Ghorbani: An Interactive Search Assistant Architecture Based on Intrinsic Query Stream Characteristics. Computational Intelligence 24(2): 158-190 (2008)
Ali A. Ghorbani, Ebrahim Bagheri: The state of the art in critical infrastructure protection: a framework for convergence. IJCIS 4(3): 215-244 (2008)
S. Hossein Sadat-Mohtasham, Ali A. Ghorbani: A language for high-level description of adaptive web systems. Journal of Systems and Software 81(7): 1196-1217 (2008)
Reza Sadoddin, Ali A. Ghorbani: Real-time Alert Correlation Using Stream Data Mining Techniques. AAAI 2008: 1731-1737
Ebrahim Bagheri, M. Barouni-Ebrahimi, Reza Zafarani, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Belief-Theoretic Reputation Estimation Model for Multi-context Communities. Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 48-59
M. Barouni-Ebrahimi, Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Frequency Mining-Based Algorithm for Re-ranking Web Search Engine Retrievals. Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 60-65
Reza Zafarani, Mohammad-Amin Jashki, Hamidreza Baghi, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Novel Approach for Social Behavior Analysis of the Blogosphere. Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 356-367
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: Experiences on the Belief-Theoretic Integration of Para-consistent Conceptual Models. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2008: 357-366
Majid Makki, Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: Automating Architecture Trade-Off Decision Making through a Complex Multi-attribute Decision Process. ECSA 2008: 264-272
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: Towards a Belief-Theoretic Model for Collaborative Conceptual Model Development. HICSS 2008: 489
Reza Zafarani, Majid Makki, Ali A. Ghorbani: An Empirical Analysis on the Stability of Clustering Algorithms. ICTAI (2) 2008: 19-26
Reza Zafarani, Ali A. Ghorbani: Oracle Clustering: Dynamic Partitioning Based on Random Observations. ICTAI (2) 2008: 27-34
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: On the Definition of Essential and Contingent Properties of Subjective Belief Bases. MICAI 2008: 686-698
Abtin Zohrabi Aliabadi, Fatemeh Razzaghi, Seyed Pooria Madani Kochak, Ali A. Ghorbani: Classifying Organizational Roles Using Email Social Networks. Canadian Conference on AI 2013: 301-307
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: Lexical-Syntactical Patterns for Subjectivity Analysis of Social Issues. AMT 2013: 241-250
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Structure for Opinion in Social Domains. SocialCom 2013: 264-271
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: Sentence Subjectivity Analysis in Social Domains. Web Intelligence 2013: 268-275
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: Sentiment Analysis of Social Issues. SocialInformatics 2012: 215-221
Mostafa Karamibekr, Ali A. Ghorbani: Verb Oriented Sentiment Classification. Web Intelligence 2012: 327-331
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: An exploratory classification of applications in the realm of collaborative modeling and design. Inf. Syst. E-Business Management 8(3): 257-286 (2010)
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: UML-CI: A reference model for profiling critical infrastructure system. Information Systems Frontiers 12(2): 115-139 (2010)
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: The analysis and management of non-canonical requirement specifications through a belief integration game. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 22(1): 27-64 (2010)
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Model for the Integration of Prioritized Knowledge Bases Through Subjective Belief Games. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 40(6): 1257-1270 (2010)
Ali A. Ghorbani, Iosif-Viorel Onut: Y-Means: An Autonomous Clustering Algorithm. HAIS (1) 2010: 1-13
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: A belief-theoretic framework for the collaborative development and integration of para-consistent conceptual models. Journal of Systems and Software 82(4): 707-729 (2009)
Reza Sadoddin, Ali A. Ghorbani: An incremental frequent structure mining framework for real-time alert correlation. Computers & Security 28(3-4): 153-173 (2009)
Mark Kilfoil, Ali A. Ghorbani: SWAMI: A Multiagent, Active Representation of a User's Browsing Interests. IJITWE 4(3): 1-24 (2009)
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: Astrolabe: A Collaborative Multiperspective Goal-Oriented Risk Analysis Methodology. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 39(1): 66-85 (2009)
Mohammad-Amin Jashki, Majid Makki, Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: An Iterative Hybrid Filter-Wrapper Approach to Feature Selection for Document Clustering. Canadian Conference on AI 2009: 74-85
M. Barouni-Ebrahimi, Ali A. Ghorbani: An Interactive Search Assistant Architecture Based on Intrinsic Query Stream Characteristics. Computational Intelligence 24(2): 158-190 (2008)
Ali A. Ghorbani, Ebrahim Bagheri: The state of the art in critical infrastructure protection: a framework for convergence. IJCIS 4(3): 215-244 (2008)
S. Hossein Sadat-Mohtasham, Ali A. Ghorbani: A language for high-level description of adaptive web systems. Journal of Systems and Software 81(7): 1196-1217 (2008)
Reza Sadoddin, Ali A. Ghorbani: Real-time Alert Correlation Using Stream Data Mining Techniques. AAAI 2008: 1731-1737
Ebrahim Bagheri, M. Barouni-Ebrahimi, Reza Zafarani, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Belief-Theoretic Reputation Estimation Model for Multi-context Communities. Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 48-59
M. Barouni-Ebrahimi, Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Frequency Mining-Based Algorithm for Re-ranking Web Search Engine Retrievals. Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 60-65
Reza Zafarani, Mohammad-Amin Jashki, Hamidreza Baghi, Ali A. Ghorbani: A Novel Approach for Social Behavior Analysis of the Blogosphere. Canadian Conference on AI 2008: 356-367
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: Experiences on the Belief-Theoretic Integration of Para-consistent Conceptual Models. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2008: 357-366
Majid Makki, Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: Automating Architecture Trade-Off Decision Making through a Complex Multi-attribute Decision Process. ECSA 2008: 264-272
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: Towards a Belief-Theoretic Model for Collaborative Conceptual Model Development. HICSS 2008: 489
Reza Zafarani, Majid Makki, Ali A. Ghorbani: An Empirical Analysis on the Stability of Clustering Algorithms. ICTAI (2) 2008: 19-26
Reza Zafarani, Ali A. Ghorbani: Oracle Clustering: Dynamic Partitioning Based on Random Observations. ICTAI (2) 2008: 27-34
Ebrahim Bagheri, Ali A. Ghorbani: On the Definition of Essential and Contingent Properties of Subjective Belief Bases. MICAI 2008: 686-698